All information should be written in English.
This is to advertise all over the world.
Service terms differ from company types
Company Type Authorization for Trade name Technology Transfer
Registration Modification & Delete Only Select
Manufacturer O O X O
Manufacturer +Distributor O O O O
Distributor (agency, wholesaler) X X O X
Etc.(R&D center,college) X X X O
Group Company Registration
If your company is a group company an example is shown below.
  • SK Chemicals Co., Ltd.(Head office)
  • SK Chemicals Co., Ltd.(Frankfrut office)
  • SK Chemicals Co., Ltd.(Suwon fabric factory)
  • SK Chemicals Co., Ltd.(Suwon factory)
  • SK Chemicals Co., Ltd.(Ulsan factory)
  • SK Group Japan Co., Ltd.

  • You first register your company and then, click the button like the bottom described to search & select SK Chemicals Co., Ltd.(Head office).
    Finally, your company information is shown with the other listed group companies like the above mentioned example.
    This registration method gives an advantage for the user as follows ;
    In this case, you can get all the infomations about your group companies and you can also register separately for each of your group company's dealing and manufacturing products.
  • If your company and trade name information are already registered in Infochems-Database, please let us know your company name and e-mail address. We will give you a new ID and password via e-mail(
  • If your company is consist of more than one such group company, please let us know your parent company,subsidiaries,local factories and overseas branches to give a new ID and password to each one.
  • By using your new ID and password, you can Register, modification, delete and up-date your trade names.
  • ETC...
    Contact person :
    Write a person in charge of editing Infochems-Database or sales.
    e-mail :
    e-mail address of person who is in charge of editing Infochems-Database or sales.
    This e-mail address is for just In case, you forget your ID and password