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Chemical Information Overview  |  Chemical Product  |  Chemical Raw Material  |  Chemical Company
Listera pinetorum extract
Listera pinetorum extract
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the dankness around the hurst. Its producing area is Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia and DaXingAnLing in HeiLongJiang .
Package type: Vacuum plastic bags,2.5kg/bags,10kg/carton,20kg/carton, 25kg/carton.
The products is mainly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and health products. It grows in the dankness around the hurst. Its producing area is Hulunbuir of Inner Mongolia and DaXingAnLing in HeiLongJiang .
Package type: Vacuum plastic bags,2.5kg/bags,10kg/carton,20kg/carton, 25kg/carton.
Industrial field pharmaceutical
DaXingAnLing Snow Lotus Herb Bio-technology Co., Ltd(info@snowlotusbiotech.com)
Phone 86-452-6166200
Fax 86-452-6166200
Homepage http://www.snowlotusbiotech.com/
E-mail info@snowlotusbiotech.com
Address 10 GuangHui Road,Songling District,JiaGeDaQi Town, DaXingAnLing City, HeiLongJiang, China
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