Adenophora trachelioides extract |
Adenophora trachelioides extract |
Producing area : hillside, edge of forest, thick patch of grass or forest meadow. Produces in DaXingAnLing Inner Mongolia,and DaXingAnLing HeiLongJiang. Chemical ingredient : Platycodin, platycodigenin, polygalacic acid. Package type: Vacuum plastic bags,2.5kg/bags,10kg/carton,20kg/carton, 25kg/carton.
Producing area : hillside, edge of forest, thick patch of grass or forest meadow. Produces in DaXingAnLing Inner Mongolia,and DaXingAnLing HeiLongJiang. Chemical ingredient : Platycodin, platycodigenin, polygalacic acid. Package type: Vacuum plastic bags,2.5kg/bags,10kg/carton,20kg/carton, 25kg/carton.
Industrial field |
pharmaceutical |
There are no existing companies to distribute selected chemical product |