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Cohort DC
Cohort DC is a dry concentrate formulation of a nonionic spray adjuvant.
This proprietary nonionic adjuvant is encapsulated in a unique organic nitrogen crystalline structure and results in a free flowing powder that dissolves readily in water.
Cohort DC is free of clay carriers and is fully soluble in most pesticide and fertilizer spray mixes.
Cohort DC functions as a deposition aid and is designed to quickly wet and spread a more uniform spray deposit over leaf and stem surfaces.
This unque formulation contains components that have humectant properties, thereby reducing the loss of aqueous spray deposits by evaporation.
The wetter/spreader/activator properties of Cohort DC can positively affect pesticide spray appliation and pesticide efficacy.
Cohort DC is recommended for use with those pesticides whose labels recommend a nonionic wetter/spreader/activator type adjuvant.
Specific Gravity: 0.527 gms/cc
Solubility: soluble
Appearance & Odor: white crystals, low odor
Industrial field others
Helena Chemical Co.
Phone 559-261-9030
Fax 559-261-9250
Address 7576 N. Ingram Ave., Ste. #101 Fresno, CA 93711
  Setre Chemical Co USA