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Chemical Information Overview  |  Chemical Product  |  Chemical Raw Material  |  Chemical Company
Gleitmo 900/900 Spray
Air-drying, firmly adhering solid film lubricant with inorganic binder. gleitmo 900 provides low coefficients of friction, prevents stick-slip and is very easy to apply, particulary with a spray can.
Nuts and bolts made of stainless steel, cylinder head screws, dowel pins.
Cold forming, e.g. cold extrusion molding.
Industrial field others
Fuchs Lubtritech GmbH
Phone ++49 63 74/9 24-5
Fax ++49 63 74/9 24-9 40
Homepage www.fuchs-lubritech.de
E-mail info@fuchs-lubritech.de
Address Hans-Reiner-Str. 7-13, 67685 Weilerbach
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