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Gearmaster CLPF-Line
Modern high-quality gear oils on a mineral oil base, which are fortified with a selected package of solid particle lubricants to increase their mechanical loading capacity.
They stand out on account of their high thermal loading capacity, good resistance to ageing as well as their extraordinary protection against.
In heavy-duty industrial gears such as spur-wheel gears, bevel gears, planetary gears and worm gears, especially at low peripheral speeds and intermittent loading.
Industrial field others
Fuchs Lubtritech GmbH
Phone ++49 63 74/9 24-5
Fax ++49 63 74/9 24-9 40
Homepage www.fuchs-lubritech.de
E-mail info@fuchs-lubritech.de
Address Hans-Reiner-Str. 7-13, 67685 Weilerbach
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