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Chemical Information Overview  |  Chemical Product  |  Chemical Raw Material  |  Chemical Company
Ceplattyn KG 10 HMF-1000
Formulation as per Ceplattyn KG 10 HMF, but contain base oils of higher viscosity.
For gear drives used under heavy loads and where the surrounding and tooth flank temperatures are permanently increased as well as for gear drives with easily damaged tooth flanks and small tooth contact.
NLGI-grade: 0-00
Damage load stage: > 12
Specific weight loss: < 0.2 mg/kWh
Base oil viscosity (+40'C): 1000 mm2/s
Industrial field others
Fuchs Lubtritech GmbH
Phone ++49 63 74/9 24-5
Fax ++49 63 74/9 24-9 40
Homepage www.fuchs-lubritech.de
E-mail info@fuchs-lubritech.de
Address Hans-Reiner-Str. 7-13, 67685 Weilerbach
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