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Wellguard 909
WELLGUARD 909 biocide is comprised of an aqueous, stabilized, bromine-based biocide.
* Applications:
WELLGUARD 909 biocide is a single-feed bromine biocide for use in packer fluids, drilling muds, fracturing fluids and secondary oil recovery systems. When used as directed, this product will control the growth of bacteria such as anaerobic sulfate-forming bacteria (Desulfovibrio desulfuricans) and aerobic slime-forming bacteria (Pseudomonas flourescens and Bacillus cercus). Its ability to penetrate and control biofilm is a strong feature of this product.
The treatment rate WELLGUARD 909 biocide is that sufficient to achieve a residual bromine level of up to 10 ppm or as needed to maintain control of the system. For example, a 5 gallon pail of WELLGUARD 909 biocide should be sufficient to initially treat 100,000 gallons of water. This product may be added with rapid mixing directly to the well fluid prior or during the operation.
Appearance: clear yellow to clear orange liquid
Odor: mild, sweet
Specific gravity at 25'C: 1.37
Viscosity at 25'C, cSt: 2.17
Flash point, 'F (PMCC): N/A
Freeze point, 'F: 31.5
Boiling point, 'F: 214-216
Industrial field others
Albemarle Corp
Phone 225-388-7402
Fax 225-388-7848
E-mail -
Address 451 Florida Street Baton Rouge, LA 70801-1785
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