MMF 162 |
MMF 162 base fluid is refined menhaden fish oil. * Application: MMF 162 is used for formulating the continuous phase of invert drilling fluids and for formulating spotting and drilling lubricants. MMF 162 menhaden base fluid is a non-sheening, natural marine oil with a favorable environmental profile for both toxicity and biodegradability. It is targeted for environmentally sensitive applications. |
Appearance: light gold-colored oil with a light fish smell Viscosity, 40'C, cSt: 25 Flash point (PMCC), 'C: 182 Pour point, 'C: -3 Mysid toxicity (96 h, acute), mg/kg: > 30,000 Leptocheirus toxicity (96 h, acute), mg/kg: > 30,000 |
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