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Wellguard 1204
WELLGUARD 1204 corrosion inhibitor is comprised of neutralizing and filming amines with an oxygen scavenger.
* Applications:
WELLGUARD 1204 corrosion inhibitor is an effective, high-activity corrosion inhibitor for both fresh-water and brine packer fluids. It is also useful for other aqueous applications in the oil and gas industry that require corrosion protection. A typical treatment rate of WELLGUARD 1204 corrosion inhibitor is 1 gal per 100 gal of packer fluid (or 10,000 ppm). For continuous systems, a dosage rate of 10 - 50 ppm is recommended, depending on the severity of the conditions.
Appearance: amber, mobile liquid
Specific gravity at 25'C: 1.07 - 1.08
pH (10% IPA/H 2 O): 10 - 11
Viscosity at 25'C, cPs: < 20
Flash point, 'F (SFCC): 138
Pour point, 'F: < - 85
Industrial field others
Albemarle Corp
Phone 225-388-7402
Fax 225-388-7848
E-mail -
Address 451 Florida Street Baton Rouge, LA 70801-1785
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