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Wellguard 1087
WELLGUARD 1087 additive for weighted spotting fluids is comprised of phospholipids, fatty alcohols, imidazolines and quaternaries in a hydrocarbon and oxygenate solvent.
* Applications:
WELLGUARD 1087 additive for weighted spotting fluids is a surface-active component used for formulating weighted spotting fluids. These spotting fluids provide the necessary surfactant and lubricating properties needed to free stuck drill pipe. A typical treatment rate of WELLGUARD 1087 additive for weighted spotting fluids is 5 gal/bbl finished fluid. This is recommended for a 75/25 oil/water invert fluid weighted to 16 lb/gal (the density can be adjusted with barite to the needs of the well). This fluid is expected to have good rheological stability. A weighted pill of the spotting fluid is pumped to the required depth and left to sit for several hours. It acts upon the filter cake, reducing the adhesion and releasing the drill string.
Appearance: cloudy, viscous liquid
Specific gravity at 25'C: 0.98
pH (10% IPA/H 2 O): 6 - 8
Viscosity at 25'C, cPs: 3000
Flash point, 'F (PMCC): 117
Pour point, 'F: 32
Industrial field others
Albemarle Corp
Phone 225-388-7402
Fax 225-388-7848
E-mail -
Address 451 Florida Street Baton Rouge, LA 70801-1785
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