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Allityn is an extract of garlic that may function as an insect repellent when applied to a wide range of agricultural and ornamental plants.
Allityn cotains no synthetic chemical active ingredients, or inerts and is completely biodegradable.
Allityn may be used alone or in combination with most peticieds and plant nutritional products.
This product is not warranted to kill insect, but is to be used as a repellent.
Boiling point: > 212'F
Freezing point: < 32'F
Specific Gravity: 1.020 gms/cc
Solubility in water: 100%
Appearance & Odor: light tan dark green liquid, garic odor
Industrial field others
Helena Chemical Co.
Phone 559-261-9030
Fax 559-261-9250
Address 7576 N. Ingram Ave., Ste. #101 Fresno, CA 93711
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