Moly-Mist |
Instantly bonds dry form molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) to ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, glass, rubber, wood, etc., without heating or baking. MOLY-MIST lowers friction, prevents galling, corrosion and metal-to-metal contact. Reduces torque and power consumption. May be applied while equipment is in use. MOLY-MIST forms a dry, thin, black film to enhance machined surfaces. Extensively used as a "running-in" lubricant on new equipment. |
Physical State: Metallic-containing fluid Color: Black Odor: Ketone Type pH: Neutral Boiling Range/Point 'F ('C): >600 (316) Flash Point (COC) 'F ('C): -4 (-20) Propellant Flash Point: -76 (-60) OAR Value: 1 Autoignition Temp 'F ('C): >500 (260) Explosive Properties: LEL: 2.6% UEL: 12.8% Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate): >4.6 Vapor Pressure (kPa): <185 % Volatiles: 75% typ. incl. propellant Density (g/cm3): 0.92 Vapor Density: >2.93 |
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