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Burco VDL
Burco VDL is a vat dye leveling agent which functions by slowing down the rate of exhaustion during the dyeing process.
Burco VDL provides dye retardation, sequestering/dispersing, and stabilized reduction which minimizes over reducing sensitive dyes.
The controlled retardation process allows even application of the dyes with negligible depth reduction during the pigmenting and reduction steps.
The sequestration and dispersion properties of Burco VDL provide hardness control to prevent spotting from earth metals, such as calcium and magnesium electrolytes, and dye deposition: thus allowing better dye penetration into the fibers.
Burco VDL also provides reduction control for sensitive dyes, such as Vat Blue 6, which are sensitive to over reduction.
Brown liquid
1.26 g/mL specific gravity
10.5 lbs/gal
pH of 9.0 (1 % solution)
Industrial field others
Burlington Chemical Co., Inc
Phone 336/584-0111
Fax 336/584-3548
Address Post Office Box 111 Burlington, NC 27216
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