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Pulpaid 3056
Silicone fluid containing a suspension of finely powdered silica to enhance its defoaming efficiency.
PULPAID 3056 Compound is a 100% active high viscosity silicone liquid, based on hydrophobic particle activator technology.
It is designed to control foam in aggressive foaming environments, such as those typically encountered in chemical pulping operations.
Emulsions formulated from PULPAID 3056 Compound offer outstanding foam control at very low usage levels when compared to conventional mineral oil antifoams.
Active Principle: Compound
% Active: 100
Usable Life (months): 15
Viscosity (cp or mPa-s): 45000
Industrial field others
Dow Corning Corp/Corporate Headquarters
Phone 517-496-5369; 800-248-2481
Fax 517-496-4688
Homepage -
Address 3100 James Savage Rd., PO.Box 994, Midland, MI 48686-0994
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