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Jayflex L11P
Di-n-undecyl linear phthalate
Highly permanent,low volatility linear plasticizer
-Low specific gravity
-Good heat and light stability
-Good electrical properties
-Oven-aging/fogging characteristics
* Applications:
-Low temperature,high performance film and sheeting
-Low fogging automotive interiors
Acidity,as phthalic acid,wt%: 0.015 max
Appearance: Clear and Free
Color,Platinum Cobalt: 75 max
Ester Content,wt%: 99.6 min
Odor: Characteristic
Specific Gravity,20/20'C: 0.951 -0.957
Water Content,wt%: 0.1 max
Molecular Weight: 474
Industrial field others
ExxonMobil Chemical Company
Phone (281) 870-6000
Fax (281) 870-6661
E-mail -
Address 13501 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 77079-1398, USA
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