sell 35mm round pendants blanks jewelry |
35mm |
Here is the Chinese jewelry for your choice.We have many customers from all over the world,including USA,Europe,Asia and so on.The pendants are in hot sale now.But they are all still in stock.If you place an order now,we will ship to you right now.We could guarantee that the quality of the pendants are in the lead in these line.The pendants fit 35x35mm cabochon.You can also add your special style to the new item.The material of our pendants are recyclable and will not pollute the environment.The pendants are all environmental item.They are lead-safe.If you want to know more about us.Here is the link we give you.www.beadsnice.com The pendans will perfect for your favorable gift and fashionable for your jewelry making.
Jewelry pendant blank, pendant settings, brass, fits 35mm round, hole:approx 4x6mm, copper or gun metal plating etc, lead-safe, Racj P, sold by PC
Beadsnice ID 6092 Weight: 4.3g Size: 35mm |
pendants |
Industrial field |
polyurethane(PU),waste & water treatment |
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