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þðèä,Indian Wild Chrysantyemum Flower P.E">
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Indian Wild Chrysantyemum Flower P.E
Indian Wild Chrysantyemum Flower P.E
Attending functions qingrejiedu. For boils carbuncle swollen, red eyes and throat, headache and dizziness.
Traits inflorescence spherical, diameter 0.3 ~ 1cm, brownish yellow. The involucre bracts from 4 to 5 layers. A ray florets, yellow, wrinkled curl
tubular flowers majority, deep yellow. Light body. Gas aromatic, bitter taste.
slightly cold, bitter, acrid.
For the Compositae Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum indicum L. capitulum yellow brown powder extract.
Chemical composition containing volatile oil, the oil containing chrysanthemum alcohol (chrysol), the chrysanthemum ketone (chrysanthenone), alpha-pinene, camphor, borneol, camphene, etc., still containing wild chrysanthemum lactone (yejunualactone), wild chrysanthemum prime A (artoglasin -A), the locust glycosides (acaciin) of Menghua glycosides (linarin), chrysanthemum glycosides, luteolin prime.
Industrial field agrochemical
wuhan Yuancheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Phone 86-027-88321011
Fax 86-027-88048077
Homepage www.ycphar.com
E-mail ycgsales04@ycphar.com
Address No.496 Zhongshan Road, Wuchang
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