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Sylgard Prime Coat
Clear primer in heptane solvent for use with addition cure products.
These products should be applied in a very light, even coat by wiping, dipping or spraying.
Excess material should be wiped off to avoid over-application, which generally appears as a white, chalky surface.
When dip or spray coating, diluting by a factor of 2 to 4 with additional solvent may avoid excessive build-up.
When applying Dow Corning 1593 Cleaner/Primer with a clean cloth, vigorously wipe the bonding surface, rotating the cloth to expose fresh product and to remove any contaminants from the surface.
Apply additional cleaner/primer to the cloth every 3 to 5 minutes to ensure fresh material can react with the substrate.
Color: Clear
Solvent: Heptane
Date of manufacture,months: 18
Flash Point'C('F): -13(9)
Industrial field others
Dow Corning Corp/Corporate Headquarters
Phone 517-496-5369; 800-248-2481
Fax 517-496-4688
Homepage -
Address 3100 James Savage Rd., PO.Box 994, Midland, MI 48686-0994
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