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Chemical Information Overview  |  Chemical Product  |  Chemical Raw Material  |  Chemical Company
CC Cr2Cu2O5 GJB2302-95
Copper chromite
Total Hexad-chromium(into Kr2Cr207)£¬19.5¡¾1.0£¥(m£¯m); Total Copper(into CuO)£¬46.0¡¾2.0£¥(m£¯m)
Uses£ºThe product has been used as combustion catalyst for solid propellants whose oxidant was AP.
Physical and chemical properties£º
1.1 Molecule formula: Cr2Cu2O5
1.2 Molecule weight: 311.08
1.3 Structure formula:
1.4 Solubility in water£º0.5%
1.5 PH£º5-7
1.6 Stability and reactivity£ºThe product is stable when it¡¯s in normal storing and operating condition , in room temperature and in hermetic container.
Total Hexad-chromium(into Kr2Cr207)£¬19.5¡¾1.0£¥(m£¯m)
Total Copper(into CuO)£¬46.0¡¾2.0£¥(m£¯m)Moisture £¬¡Â0.5£¥(m£¯m)
Loss of weight in burning (650¡É)£¬¡Â4.0£¥(m£¯m)
Granularity (by standard sieve of 120-mesh),%100
Appearance:Brown-dark powder
Industrial field additive
Yingkou Tanyun Chemical Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Phone +86-417-2821100
Fax +86-417-2827700
Homepage www.tanyun.com.cn
E-mail tysmy@hotmail.com
Address 200 meters of XinHu Street, Coastal Industrial Base Management Committee , Yingkou, Liaoning, China
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