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Tris(1-[2-methyl]aziridinyl)phosphine oxide
Uses£ºThe MAPO is mainly used as Polymer cross-linking agent , fungicides and the cross linking reagent and curing reagent on the resin cladding layers of powder of missile to heighten capabilities of its elasticity and ballistic trajectory. It can be used as linking agent in AP/HTPB solid propellants with excellent effect.
Physical and chemical properties£º
1.1 Appearance£ºColorless to yellow oil-linking liquid
1.2 Odour: Foul smell with rotten green grass
1.3 Solubility£º Dissolving easily in organic solvents such as methylene dichloride, chloroform, ethyl ether etc, dissolving slightly in water.
1.4 Boiling point£º90-92¡É,0.15-0.3mmHg
1.5 Stability£ºIts decomposition temperature is 170¡É .It will be decomposed when meeting with any acid, polymerized if contacting with any acidic material or forein substance containing reactive hydrogen, and copolymerization and cross-linking can be also taken place between it and the compound containing two or more than two reactive hydrogens or groups.
Industrial field adhesive & sealant
Yingkou Tanyun Chemical Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Phone +86-417-2821100
Fax +86-417-2827700
Homepage www.tanyun.com.cn
E-mail tysmy@hotmail.com
Address 200 meters of XinHu Street, Coastal Industrial Base Management Committee , Yingkou, Liaoning, China
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